I explained that when my jaw hurts, I get migraines. When I do things like play the clarinet and eat and chew and talk, it gets aggravated and turns into migraines. He asked if I had done any of those things today - I replied that yes, I had in fact played my clarinet, eaten, and talked today... to which he responded... "you need to take care of yourself. You can't do things like play the clarinet - after all, would you feel sorry for a lung cancer patient that smoked a pack of cigarettes before asking us to "fix her up?""
Umm.. excuse me, jerkface!?! And the worst part? It wasn't even my clarinet playing OR eating that gave me the migraine - it was the drive home in the dark with all of the headlights facing at me.
I'm still ticked beyond belief.
Can I kick him in the nuts? How in the world is playing clarinet detrimental to your health aside from your special situation? And even then it wasn't the cause, nor is it making the base problem worse. I'm surprised he didn't tell you to just stop eating and talking as well. Moron.
Wow, what an ass. Grrr...some people can be so clueless.
I feel so bad for you getting all these migraines. :( I hope once you have your surgery, you won't have to deal with them.
Can I hold him down while Heidi kicks? Or at least wait for a 'tag' to take over with an atomic wedgie?
Flaming dog pooh on a doorstep?
Purple nurples?
Pull out armpit hair one at a time?
A slew of "yo mamma..." insults?
Too bad that along with being inable to cure your migraines, the medical profession has yet to come up with a cure for morons...
LOL you guys crack me up :-D
What a jerk! You can *NOT* compare a musical instrument to smoking. You know you can file a complaint against his medical license, if you're really mad about it.
I just got a mental picture of all the gals holding him down and kicking him,flashing mouths full of metal! ahahahaha Funny stuff..
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